The Ultimate Class

By Adnaan - Last updated: Thursday, June 25, 2009 - Save & Share - One Comment

class  with 27 chlidren were learinig litracy. maths, history and DT when school was finished a boy called Adnaan could feel some thing  Unuesual  then a boy called Jake came behind and tickeled me then  Hamid came and helped  me .Alexzander went with  his sister to the school bus Adnaan talked to Alexzander.

Next day I went school it was fitness fun day. Adnaan went to school  the he writed in his jotter then Kenan came hello Adnaan said Kenan   I like all the sports exseped rubish foot ball said Adnaan what you saying foot ball is ultra cool ya man said Jake . then they wre doing the first activety on the feild  when dinosoures came ot of the ground all over the  world it was dino human world the milatry couldint kill the dinosoures  then Adnaans class strengh went incredble. 

Then the class  went  to the dino king to defeat  him.When they got there  was a gold dinosour i was the most powerful dinosour.

The class unleashed a fire ball Hamid passed to Jake he passed to Kenan he passed to Shannon she passed toLoren she passed to Sharlet she passed to Alexzander passed to miss palzone  she passed to Aliceya she passed to Jack he passed to Aeysha she passed to Darby she passed to Sadie she passed to Chloe she passed Elie she passed to  Dylan he passed to Emaly she assed to Max he passed to megan crothers she passed to megan copley she passed to Luke  he pssed to Adnaan he did the big kick then he blowed the dino king into  peices then every other dinosour died. Then the class had fitness fun day the end

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One Response to “The Ultimate Class”

Comment from Emily
Time April 15, 2010 at 3:05 pm

Cool nice story like Jake said Super Smashin Great what happend to the rest of the class were they Gaurdin School?

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