vikings Myths and legends Description mythical beast – SMEGAL

By Adnaan - Last updated: Monday, June 22, 2009 - Save & Share - 2 Comments

SmegalMy mythical beast is called Smegal

he lives in a mountain

he  can comtroll animals

if he looks directly  at some one milloins of animals come aslo kill the person that he looks at

his claws are as sharp as a nife

he saw skiny and grey that he can camaflage in rocks thats way he lives in the mountain he  attack      behind you

he smells like stench   rats droping

his voice is high  and scary    

his teeth are as sharp as a blade                

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2 Responses to “vikings Myths and legends Description mythical beast – SMEGAL”

Comment from Hamid
Time June 23, 2009 at 1:56 pm

If he has a high voice his voice squeaky if his and if he has a low voice it is deep and booming

Comment from IAmANoobFag
Time June 1, 2010 at 10:16 am

yes this is an original charecter if i ever did see one

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